Julie Gehl

Julie Gehl

Klinisk professor

Medlem af:

  • Klinisk onkologi

  1. 2022
  2. Udgivet

    Electrochemotherapy for the treatment of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma: The INSPECT experience (2008-2020)

    Bertino, G., Groselj, A., Campana, L. G., Kunte, C., Schepler, H., Gehl, J., Muir, T., Clover, J. A. P., Quaglino, P., Kis, E., Mascherini, M., Bisase, B., Pecorari, G., Bechara, F., Matteucci, P., Odili, J., Russano, F., Orlando, A., Pritchard-Jones, R., Moir, G. & 6 flere, Mowatt, D., Silvestri, B., Seccia, V., Saxinger, W., de Terlizzi, F. & Sersa, G., 2022, I: Frontiers in Oncology. 12, 951662.

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  3. Udgivet

    Electrochemotherapy with intravenous bleomycin for patients with cutaneous malignancies, across tumour histology: a systematic review

    Bastrup, F. A., Vissing, M. & Gehl, Julie, 2022, I: Acta Oncologica. 61, 9, s. 1093-1104

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  4. Udgivet

    Endoscopic Calcium Electroporation in Patients with Barrett’s Esophagus High-Grade Dysplasia: A First-in-Man Phase I Study

    Bazancir, L. A., Egeland, C., Garbyal, R. S., Gehl, Julie & Achiam, Michael Patrick, 2022, I: Journal of the American College of Surgeons. 235, 5, s. S25-S25 1 s.

    Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftKonferenceabstrakt i tidsskriftForskningfagfællebedømt

  5. Udgivet

    Exercise suppresses tumor growth independent of high fat food intake and associated immune dysfunction

    Hojman, P., Stagaard, Rikke, Adachi-Fernandez, E., Deshmukh, Atul Shahaji, Mund, Andreas, Olsen, C. H., Keller, L., Pedersen, Bente Klarlund & Gehl, Julie, 2022, I: Scientific Reports. 12, 1, 5476.

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  6. Udgivet

    Exercise training as prophylactic strategy in the management of neutropenia during chemotherapy

    Schauer, T., Hojman, P., Gehl, Julie & Christensen, J. F., 2022, I: British Journal of Pharmacology. 179, 12, s. 2925-2937

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  7. Udgivet

    Palliative Treatment of Esophageal Cancer Using Calcium Electroporation

    Egeland, C., Baeksgaard, L., Gehl, Julie, Gögenur, Ismail & Achiam, Michael Patrick, 2022, I: Cancers. 14, 21, 12 s., 5283.

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  8. Udgivet

    Prospective cohort study by InspECT on safety and efficacy of electrochemotherapy for cutaneous tumors and metastases depending on ulceration

    Claussen, C. S., Moir, G., Bechara, F. G., Orlando, A., Matteucci, P., Mowatt, D., Clover, A. J. P., Mascherini, M., Gehl, J., Muir, T., Sersa, G., Groselj, A., Odili, J., Giorgione, R., Campana, L. G., Bertino, G., Curatolo, P., Banerjee, S., Kis, E., Quaglino, P. & 4 flere, Pritchard-Jones, R., De Terlizzi, F., Grischke, E. & Kunte, C., 2022, I: JDDG - Journal of the German Society of Dermatology. 20, 4, s. 470-481 12 s.

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  9. Udgivet

    Prospektive Kohortenstudie von InspECT zur Sicherheit und Wirksamkeit der Elektrochemotherapie bei Hauttumoren und Metastasen in Abhängigkeit von Ulzeration

    Claussen, C. S., Moir, G., Bechara, F. G., Orlando, A., Matteucci, P., Mowatt, D., Clover, A. J. P., Mascherini, M., Gehl, J., Muir, T., Sersa, G., Groselj, A., Odili, J., Giorgione, R., Campana, L. G., Bertino, G., Curatolo, P., Banerjee, S., Kis, E., Quaglino, P. & 4 flere, Pritchard-Jones, R., De Terlizzi, F., Grischke, E. M. & Kunte, C., 2022, I: JDDG - Journal of the German Society of Dermatology. 20, 4, s. 470-482 13 s.

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  10. 2021
  11. Udgivet

    Calcium Electroporation for Keloids: A First-in-Man Phase i Study

    Falk, H., Vissing, M., Wooler, G. & Gehl, Julie, 2021, I: Dermatology. 237, s. 961–969

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  12. Udgivet

    Outcomes of older adults aged 90 and over with cutaneous malignancies after electrochemotherapy with bleomycin: A matched cohort analysis from the InspECT registry

    Sersa, G., Mascherini, M., Di Prata, C., Odili, J., de Terlizzi, F., McKenzie, G. A. G., Clover, A. J. P., Bertino, G., Spina, R., Groselj, A., Cappellesso, R., Gehl, J., Bisase, B., Curatolo, P., Kis, E., Lico, V., Muir, T., Orlando, A., Quaglino, P., Matteucci, P. & 2 flere, Valpione, S. & Campana, L. G., 2021, I: European Journal of Surgical Oncology. 47, 4, s. 902-912

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