Eva Prescott

Eva Prescott

Klinisk professor

Medlem af:

  • Intern medicin: kardiologi

  1. 2023
  2. Udgivet

    The impact of modifiable risk factors in the association between socioeconomic status and sudden cardiac death in a prospective cohort study: equal access to healthcare, unequal outcome

    Warming, P. E., Ågesen, F. N., Lynge, T. H., Garcia, R., Banner, Jytte, Prescott, Eva, Lange, Theis, Jabbari, R. & Tfelt-Hansen, Jacob, 2023, I: European Journal of Preventive Cardiology. 30, 14, s. 1526–1534 9 s.

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  3. Udgivet

    The need for long-term personalized management of frail CVD patients by rehabilitation and telemonitoring: A framework

    Scherrenberg, M., Marinus, N., Giallauria, F., Falter, M., Kemps, H., Wilhelm, M., Prescott, Eva, Vigorito, C., De Kluiver, E., Cipriano, G., Dendale, P. & Hansen, D., 2023, I: Trends in Cardiovascular Medicine. 33, 5, s. 283-297

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  4. Udgivet

    The prognostic value of coronary flow reserve in patients with non-obstructive coronary artery disease and microvascular dysfunction: a systematic review and meta-analysis with focus on imaging modality and sex difference

    Jensen, S. M., Prescott, Eva & Abdulla, J., 2023, I: International Journal of Cardiovascular Imaging. 39, 12, s. 2545-2556 12 s.

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  5. Udgivet

    Validation of the ARIC prediction model for sudden cardiac death in the European population: The ESCAPE-NET project

    for ESCAPE-NET investigators, F. E. I., 2023, I: American Heart Journal. 262, s. 55-65

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  6. Udgivet

    Women, lipids, and atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease: a call to action from the European Atherosclerosis Society

    Roeters Van Lennep, J. E., Tokgözoǧlu, L. S., Badimon, L., Dumanski, S. M., Gulati, M., Hess, C. N., Holven, K. B., Kavousi, M., Kaylkçloǧlu, M., Lutgens, E., Michos, E. D., Prescott, Eva, Stock, J. K., Tybjærg-Hansen, Anne, Wermer, M. J. H. & Benn, Marianne, 2023, I: European Heart Journal. 44, 39, s. 4157-4173 17 s.

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  7. 2022
  8. Udgivet

    Effect of empagliflozin on coronary microvascular function in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus-A randomized, placebo-controlled cross-over study

    Suhrs, H. E., Nilsson, M., Bove, K. B., Zander, M. & Prescott, Eva, 11 feb. 2022, I: PLoS ONE. 17, 2, 14 s., 0263481.

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  9. Udgivet
  10. Udgivet

    2021 ESC Guidelines on cardiac pacing and cardiac resynchronization therapy: Developed by the Task Force on cardiac pacing and cardiac resynchronization therapy of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) With the special contribution of the European Heart Rhythm Association (EHRA)

    Glikson, M., Nielsen, J. C., Kronborg, M. B., Michowitz, Y., Auricchio, A., Barbash, I. M., Barrabés, J. A., Boriani, G., Braunschweig, F., Brignole, M., Burri, H., Coats, A. J. S., Deharo, J-C., Delgado, V., Diller, G-P., Israel, C. W., Keren, A., Knops, R. E., Kotecha, D., Leclercq, C. & 62 flere, Merkely, B., Starck, C., Thylén, I., Tolosana, J. M., Leyva, F., Linde, C., Abdelhamid, M., Aboyans, V., Arbelo, E., Asteggiano, R., Barón-Esquivias, G., Bauersachs, J., Biffi, M., Birgersdotter-Green, U., Bongiorni, M. G., Borger, M. A., Čelutkienė, J., Cikes, M., Daubert, J., Drossart, I., Ellenbogen, K., Elliott, P. M., Fabritz, L., Falk, V., Fauchier, L., Fernández-Avilés, F., Foldager, D., Gadler, F., De Vinuesa, P. G. G., Gorenek, B., Guerra, J. M., Hermann Haugaa, K., Hendriks, J., Kahan, T., Katus, H. A., Konradi, A., Koskinas, K. C., Law, H., Lewis, B. S., Linker, N. J., Løchen, M., Lumens, J., Mascherbauer, J., Mullens, W., Nagy, K. V., Prescott, Eva, Raatikainen, P., Rakisheva, A., Reichlin, T., Ricci, R. P., Shlyakhto, E., Sitges, M., Sousa-Uva, M., Sutton, R., Suwalski, P., Svendsen, Jesper Hastrup, Touyz, R. M., Van Gelder, I. C., Vernooy, K., Waltenberger, J., Whinnett, Z. & Witte, K. K., 2022, I: Europace : European pacing, arrhythmias, and cardiac electrophysiology : journal of the working groups on cardiac pacing, arrhythmias, and cardiac cellular electrophysiology of the European Society of Cardiology. 24, 1, s. 71-164 94 s.

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  11. Udgivet

    2021 ESC/EACTS Guidelines for the management of valvular heart disease

    Vahanian, A., Beyersdorf, F., Praz, F., Milojevic, M., Baldus, S., Bauersachs, J., Capodanno, D., Conradi, L., De Bonis, M., De Paulis, R., Delgado, V., Freemantle, N., Gilard, M., Haugaa, K. H., Jeppsson, A., Jüni, P., Pierard, L., Prendergast, B. D., Sadaba, J. R., Tribouilloy, C. & 31 flere, Wojakowski, W., Neumann, F. J., Myers, P., Abdelhamid, M., Achenbach, S., Asteggiano, R., Barili, F., Borger, M. A., Carrel, T., Collet, J. P., Foldager, D., Habib, G., Hassager, Christian, Irs, A., Iung, B., Jahangiri, M., Katus, H. A., Koskinas, K. C., Massberg, S., Mueller, C. E., Nielsen, J. C., Pibarot, P., Rakisheva, A., Roffi, M., Rubboli, A., Shlyakhto, E., Siepe, M., Sitges, M., Søndergaard, Lars, Prescott, Eva & ESC/EACTS Scientific Document Group, E. S. D. G., 2022, I: European Heart Journal. 43, 7, s. 561-632 72 s.

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  12. Udgivet

    2022 ESC Guidelines on cardiovascular assessment and management of patients undergoing non-cardiac surgery Developed by the task force for cardiovascular assessment and management of patients undergoing non-cardiac surgery of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) Endorsed by the European Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care (ESAIC)

    Halvorsen, S., Mehilli, J., Cassese, S., Hall, T. S., Abdelhamid, M., Barbato, E., De Hert, S., de Laval, I., Geisler, T., Hinterbuchner, L., Ibanez, B., Lenarczyk, R., Mansmann, U. R., McGreavy, P., Mueller, C., Muneretto, C., Niessner, A., Potpara, T. S., Ristic, A., Sade, L. E. & 31 flere, Schirmer, H., Schuepke, S., Sillesen, Henrik, Skulstad, H., Torracca, L., Tutarel, O., Van der Meer, P., Wojakowski, W., Zacharowski, K., Knuuti, J., Kristensen, S. D., Aboyans, V., Ahrens, I., Antoniou, S., Asteggiano, R., Atar, D., Baumbach, A., Baumgartner, H., Boehm, M., Borger, M. A., Bueno, H., Celutkiene, J., Chieffo, A., Cikes, M., Darius, H., Delgado, V., Devereaux, P. J., Nielsen, J. C., Petersen, S. E., Prescott, Eva & ESC Sci Document Grp, E. S. D. G., 2022, I: European Heart Journal. 43, 39, s. 3826–3924 99 s.

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