Niels Obel

Niels Obel

Klinisk Professor, Klinisk professor

Medlem af:

  • Intern medicin: infektionsmedicin

  1. 2011
  2. Udgivet

    Risk of triple-class virological failure in children with HIV: a retrospective cohort study

    Castro, H., Judd, A., Gibb, D. M., Butler, K., Lodwick, R. K., van Sighem, A., Ramos, J. T., Warsawski, J., Thorne, C., Noguera-Julian, A., Obel, Niels, Costagliola, D., Tookey, P. A., Colin, C., Kjaer, J., Grarup, J., Chene, G., Phillips, A. & Pursuing Later Treatment Options II (PLATO II) project team for the Collaboration of Observational HIV Epidemiological Research Europe (COHERE), P. L. T. O. I. (. I. P. T. F. T. C. O. O. H. E. R. E. (., 7 maj 2011, I: Lancet. 377, 9777, s. 1580-7 8 s.

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  3. Udgivet

    Effect of transmitted drug resistance on virological and immunological response to initial combination antiretroviral therapy for HIV (EuroCoord-CHAIN joint project): a European multicohort study

    Wittkop, L., Günthard, H. F., de Wolf, F., Dunn, D., Cozzi-Lepri, A., de Luca, A., Kücherer, C., Obel, N., von Wyl, V., Masquelier, B., Stephan, C., Torti, C., Antinori, A., García, F., Judd, A., Porter, K., Thiébaut, R., Castro, H., van Sighem, A. I., Colin, C. & 9 flere, Kjaer, J., Lundgren, Jens, Paredes, R., Pozniak, A., Clotet, B., Phillips, A., Pillay, D., Chêne, G. & EuroCoord-CHAIN study group, E. S. G., 1 maj 2011, I: Lancet Infectious Diseases. 11, 5, s. 363-71 9 s.

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  4. Udgivet

    Bone mineral density changes in protease inhibitor-sparing vs. nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor-sparing highly active antiretroviral therapy: data from a randomized trial

    Hansen, A. E., Obel, Niels, Nielsen, H., Pedersen, C. & Gerstoft, Jan, 1 mar. 2011, I: HIV Medicine. 12, 3, s. 157-65 9 s.

    Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftTidsskriftartikelForskningfagfællebedømt

  5. Udgivet

    Characterization of HIV-1 from patients with virological failure to a boosted protease inhibitor regimen

    Lillemark, M. R., Gerstoft, Jan, Obel, Niels, Kronborg, Gitte, Pedersen, C., Jørgensen, L. B., Madsen, T. V., Katzenstein, T. L. & Jørgensen, L. B., 1 mar. 2011, I: Journal of Medical Virology. 83, 3, s. 377-83 7 s.

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  6. Udgivet

    Predictors of unsafe sex among HIV patients in Denmark: A population-based cohort study

    Qvist, T., Engsig, F., Kronborg, Gitte, Larsen, C. S., Røge, B., Gerstoft, Jan & Obel, Niels, 1 mar. 2011, I: Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases. 43, 3, s. 181-7 7 s.

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  7. Udgivet

    Effectiveness of treatment with pegylated interferon and ribavirin in an unselected population of patients with chronic hepatitis C: a Danish nationwide cohort study

    Hansen, N., Obel, Niels, Christensen, P., Kjær, M. S., Laursen, A. L., Krarup, H. B., Møller, A., Schliehting, P., Bukh, Jens, Weis, Nina, Danish Database for Hepatitis B and C (DANHEP)- group, D. D. F. H. B. A. C. (. G. & Nørregaard, Peter, 1 jan. 2011, I: B M C Infectious Diseases. 11, s. 177 8 s.

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  8. Udgivet

    Head and neck cancer in HIV patients and their parents: a Danish cohort study

    Engsig, F. N., Gerstoft, Jan, Kronborg, Gitte, Larsen, C. S., Pedersen, G., Pedersen, C. & Obel, Niels, 1 jan. 2011, I: Clinical Epidemiology. 3, s. 217-27 11 s.

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  9. Udgivet

    Impact of non-HIV and HIV risk factors on survival in HIV-infected patients on HAART: a population-based nationwide cohort study

    Obel, Niels, Omland, L. H., Kronborg, Gitte, Larsen, C. S., Pedersen, C., Pedersen, G., Sørensen, H. T. & Gerstoft, Jan, 1 jan. 2011, I: P L o S One. 6, 7, s. e22698

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  10. Udgivet

    Incidence and impact on mortality of severe neurocognitive disorders in persons with and without HIV infection: a Danish nationwide cohort study

    Lescure, F., Omland, L. H. H., Engsig, F. N., Roed, Casper, Gerstoft, Jan, Pialoux, G., Kronborg, Gitte, Larsen, C. S., Obel, Niels & Omland, L., 1 jan. 2011, I: Clinical Infectious Diseases. 52, 2, s. 235-43 9 s.

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  11. Udgivet

    Incidence, risk factors and mortality of tuberculosis in Danish HIV patients 1995-2007

    Taarnhøj, G. A., Engsig, F. N., Ravn, P., Johansen, I. S., Larsen, C. S., Røge, B., Andersen, A. & Obel, Niels, 1 jan. 2011, I: B M C Pulmonary Medicine. 11, s. 26

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ID: 917100