Holger Schulze

Holger Schulze


Member of:

    1. 2015

      Schulze, Holger (Organizer)

      22 May 201523 May 2015

      Activity: Participating in an event - typesOrganisation of and participation in conference

    3. Experiencing Sound: On the sonic materialism of corporeal listening

      Schulze, Holger (Lecturer)

      19 Apr 2015

      Activity: Talk or presentation typesLecture and oral contribution

    4. Gehen und Orientierungssinne: Aus Perspektive der Sound Studies

      Schulze, Holger (Lecturer)

      26 Mar 2015

      Activity: Talk or presentation typesLecture and oral contribution

    5. Dispositive Funktionaler Klänge

      Schulze, Holger (Organizer)

      14 Jan 201515 Jan 2015

      Activity: Participating in an event - typesOrganisation of and participation in conference

    6. Interference (Journal)

      Schulze, Holger (Review editor)

      2015 → …

      Activity: Peer-review and editorial work typesPeer review of manuscriptsResearch

    7. 2014
    8. SoundEffect (Journal)

      Schulze, Holger (Review editor)


      Activity: Peer-review and editorial work typesPeer review of manuscriptsResearch

    9. 2012
    10. European Journal of Communication (Journal)

      Schulze, Holger (Review editor)

      2012 → …

      Activity: Peer-review and editorial work typesPeer review of manuscriptsResearch

    11. Journal of Sonic Studies (Journal)

      Schulze, Holger (Review editor)

      2012 → …

      Activity: Peer-review and editorial work typesPeer review of manuscriptsResearch

    12. The Fibreculture Journal (Journal)

      Schulze, Holger (Review editor)

      2012 → …

      Activity: Peer-review and editorial work typesPeer review of manuscriptsResearch

    13. 2010
    14. Paragrana (Journal)

      Schulze, Holger (Editor)

      1 Oct 20101 Oct 2030

      Activity: Peer-review and editorial work typesEditor of Research journalResearch

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