Rasmus Fensholt

Rasmus Fensholt


  1. 2017
  2. Udgivet

    Monitoring agricultural expansion in Burkina Faso over 14 years with 30 m resolution time series: The role of population growth and implications for the environment

    Knauer, K., Gessner, U., Fensholt, Rasmus, Forkuor, G. & Kuenzer, C., 2017, I: Remote Sensing. 9, 2, 25 s., 132.

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  3. Udgivet

    Quantifying the effectiveness of ecological restoration projects on long-term vegetation dynamics in the karst regions of Southwest China

    Tong, X., Wang, K., Yue, Y., Brandt, Martin Stefan, Liu, B., Zhang, C., Liao, C. & Fensholt, Rasmus, 2017, I: International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation. 54, s. 105-113 9 s.

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  4. Udgivet

    Revisiting the coupling between NDVI trends and cropland changes in the Sahel drylands: a case study in western Niger

    Tong, X., Brandt, Martin Stefan, Hiernaux, P., Herrmann, S. M., Tian, F., Prishchepov, Alexander V. & Fensholt, Rasmus, 2017, I: Remote Sensing of Environment. 191, s. 286-296 11 s.

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  5. Udgivet

    Soil and vegetation-atmosphere exchange of NO, NH3, and N2O from field measurements in a semi arid grazed ecosystem in Senegal

    Delon, C., Galy-Lacaux, C., Serça, D., Loubet, B., Camara, N., Gardrat, E., Saneh, I., Fensholt, Rasmus, Tagesson, Håkan Torbern, Le Dantec, V., Sambou, B., Diop, C. & Mougin, E., 2017, I: Atmospheric Environment. 156, s. 36-51 16 s.

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  6. Udgivet

    Using fractal analysis in modeling the dynamics of forest areas and economic impact assessment: Maramureș County, Romania, as a case study

    Pintilii, R. D., Andronache, I., Diaconu, D. C., Dobrea, R. C., Zeleňáková, M., Fensholt, Rasmus, Peptenatu, D., Drăghici, C. C. & Ciobotaru, A. M., 2017, I: Forests. 8, 1, 14 s., 25.

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  7. Udgivet

    Using long-term daily satellite based rainfall data (1983-2015) to analyze spatio-temporal changes in the sahelian rainfall regime

    Zhang, Wenmin, Brandt, Martin Stefan, Guichard, F., Tian, Q. & Fensholt, Rasmus, 2017, I: Journal of Hydrology. 550, s. 427-440 14 s.

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  8. Udgivet

    Woody vegetation die off and regeneration in response to rainfall variability in the West African Sahel

    Brandt, Martin Stefan, Tappan, G., Diouf, A., Beye, G., Mbow, C. & Fensholt, Rasmus, 2017, I: Remote Sensing. 9, 1, 21 s.

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  9. 2016
  10. Udgivet

    Dryland Vegetation Functional Response to Altered Rainfall Amounts and Variability Derived from Satellite Time Series Data

    Ratzmann, G., Gangkofner, U., Tietjen, B. & Fensholt, Rasmus, dec. 2016, I: Remote Sensing. 8, 12, 1026.

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  11. Udgivet

    Assessing European ecosystem stability to drought in the vegetation growing season

    Ivits, E., Horion, Stéphanie, Erhard, M. & Fensholt, Rasmus, sep. 2016, I: Global Ecology and Biogeography. 25, 9, s. 1131-1143

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  12. Udgivet

    Mapping Clearances in Tropical Dry Forests Using Breakpoints, Trend, and Seasonal Components from MODIS Time Series: Does Forest Type Matter?

    Grogan, K., Pflugmacher, D., Hostert, P., Verbesselt, J. & Fensholt, Rasmus, aug. 2016, I: Remote Sensing. 8, 8, 27 s., 657.

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ID: 11318