Per Hølmich

Per Hølmich

Klinisk professor

Medlem af:

  • Ortopædisk kirurgi

  1. 2018
  2. Udgivet

    Characteristics of acute groin injuries in the adductor muscles: A detailed MRI study in athletes

    Serner, A., Weir, A., Tol, J. L., Thorborg, Kristian, Roemer, F., Guermazi, A., Yamashiro, E. & Hölmich, Per, feb. 2018, I: Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports. 28, 2, s. 667-676 10 s.

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  3. Udgivet

    Characteristics of acute groin injuries in the hip flexor muscles: a detailed MRI study in athletes

    Serner, A., Weir, A., Tol, J. L., Thorborg, Kristian, Roemer, F., Guermazi, A., Yamashiro, E. & Hölmich, Per, 2018, I: Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports. 28, 2, s. 677-685

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  4. Udgivet

    Clinical Examination, Diagnostic Imaging, and Testing of Athletes With Groin Pain: An Evidence-Based Approach to Effective Management

    Thorborg, Kristian, Reiman, M. P., Weir, A., Kemp, J. L., Serner, A., Mosler, A. B. & Hölmich, Per, 2018, I: Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy. 48, 4, s. 239-249

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  5. Udgivet

    Conservative treatment for patients with subacromial impingement: Changes in clinical core outcomes and their relation to specific rehabilitation parameters

    Clausen, M. B., Merrild, M. B., Witten, A., Christensen, Karl Bang, Zebis, M. K., Hölmich, Per & Thorborg, Kristian, 2018, I: PeerJ. 6, 20 s., e4400.

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  6. Udgivet

    Does the physical activity profile change in patients with hip dysplasia from before to 1 year after periacetabular osteotomy?

    Sandell Jacobsen, J., Thorborg, Kristian, Hölmich, Per, Bolvig, L., Storgaard Jakobsen, S., Søballe, K. & Mechlenburg, I., 2018, I: Acta Orthopaedica. 89, 6, s. 622-627 6 s.

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  7. Udgivet

    Effects of a lighter, smaller football on acute match injuries in adolescent female football: a pilot cluster-randomized controlled trial

    Zebis, M. K., Thorborg, Kristian, Andersen, L. L., Møller, M., Christensen, Karl Bang, Clausen, M. B., Hölmich, Per, Wedderkopp, N., Andersen, T. B. & Krustrup, P., 2018, I: The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness. 58, 5, s. 644-650

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  8. Udgivet

    Effects of the Nordic Hamstring exercise on sprint capacity in male football players: a randomized controlled trial

    Ishøi, L., Hölmich, Per, Aagaard, P., Thorborg, Kristian, Bandholm, Thomas Quaade & Serner, A., 2018, I: Journal of Sports Sciences. 36, 14, s. 1663-1672

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  9. Udgivet

    Epidemiology of time loss groin injuries in a men's professional football league: A 2-year prospective study of 17 clubs and 606 players

    Mosler, A. B., Weir, A., Eirale, C., Farooq, A., Thorborg, Kristian, Whiteley, R. J., Hölmich, Per & Crossley, K. M., 2018, I: British Journal of Sports Medicine. 52, 5, s. 292-297

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  10. Udgivet

    Good midterm results of hip arthroscopy for femoroacetabular impingement

    Kaldau, N. C., Brorson, Stig, Hölmich, Per & Lund, B., 2018, I: Danish Medical Journal. 65, 6, 5 s., A5483.

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  11. Udgivet

    HAGOS Could Be Important in the Evaluation of Patients Undergoing Hip Arthroscopy: Why Ignore It in a Sports Medicine Update When the Scientific Data Suggests Otherwise? Letter to the Editor

    Thorborg, Kristian, Ishøi, L., Kraemer, O., Reiman, M. P. & Hölmich, Per, 2018, I: The American Journal of Sports Medicine. 46, 4, s. NP6-NP7

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