Roger Seco

Roger Seco


Medlem af:

    1. 2022
    2. Modeling Isoprene Emission Response to Drought and Heatwaves Within MEGAN Using Evapotranspiration Data and by Coupling With the Community Land Model

      Wang, H., Lu, X., Seco, Roger, Stavrakou, T., Karl, T., Jiang, X., Gu, L. & Guenther, A. B., 2022, I: Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems. 14, 12, 22 s., e2022MS003174.

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    3. Reconciling Observed and Predicted Tropical Rainforest OH Concentrations

      Jeong, D., Seco, Roger, Emmons, L., Schwantes, R., Liu, Y., McKinney, K. A., Martin, S. T., Keutsch, F. N., Gu, D., Guenther, A. B., Vega, O., Tota, J., Souza, R. A. F., Springston, S. R., Watson, T. B. & Kim, S., 2022, I: Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. 127, 1, 18 s., e2020JD032901.

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    4. Satellite-derived constraints on the effect of drought stress on biogenic isoprene emissions in the southeastern US

      Wang, Y., Lin, N., Li, W., Guenther, A., Lam, J. C. Y., Tai, A. P. K., Potosnak, M. J. & Seco, Roger, 2022, I: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 22, 21, s. 14189-14208 20 s.

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    5. Udgivet

      Strong isoprene emission response to temperature in tundra vegetation

      Seco, Roger, Holst, T., Davie-Martin, Cleo Lisa, Simin, Tihomir, Guenther, A., Pirk, N., Rinne, J. & Rinnan, Riikka, 2022, I: PNAS. 119, 38, 7 s., e2118014119.

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    6. Sulfuric acid in the Amazon basin: measurements and evaluation of existing sulfuric acid proxies

      Myers, D. C., Kim, S., Sjostedt, S., Guenther, A. B., Seco, Roger, Vega Bustillos, O., Tota, J., Souza, R. A. F. & Smith, J. N., 2022, I: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 22, 15, s. 10061-10076 16 s.

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    7. 2021
    8. Udgivet

      Contributions to OH reactivity from unexplored volatile organic compounds measured by PTR-ToF-MS – a case study in a suburban forest of the Seoul metropolitan area during the Korea–United States Air Quality Study (KORUS-AQ) 2016

      Sanchez, D., Seco, Roger, Gu, D., Guenther, A., Mak, J., Lee, Y., Kim, D., Ahn, J., Blake, D., Herndon, S., Jeong, D., Sullivan, J. T., Mcgee, T., Park, R. & Kim, S., 2021, I: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 21, 8, s. 6331-6345 15 s.

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    9. Udgivet

      Dynamics of volatile organic compounds in a western Mediterranean oak forest

      Yáñez-serrano, A. M., Bach, A., Bartolomé-català, D., Matthaios, V., Seco, Roger, Llusia, J., Filella, I. & Peñuelas, J., 2021, I: Atmospheric Environment. 257, 118447.

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    10. Udgivet

      GLOVOCS - Master compound assignment guide for proton transfer reaction mass spectrometry users

      Yáñez-Serrano, A. M., Filella, I., LLusià, J., Gargallo-Garriga, A., Granda, V., Bourtsoukidis, E., Williams, J., Seco, Roger, Cappellin, L., Werner, C., de Gouw, J. & Peñuelas, J., 2021, I: Atmospheric Environment. 244, 4 s., 117929.

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    11. Udgivet

      Phenological stage of tundra vegetation controls bidirectional exchange of BVOCs in a climate change experiment on a subarctic heath

      Baggesen, N., Li, Tao, Seco, Roger, Holst, T., Michelsen, Anders & Rinnan, Riikka, 2021, I: Global Change Biology. 27, 12, s. 2928-2944 17 s.

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    12. The role of a suburban forest in controlling vertical trace gas and OH reactivity distributions - a case study for the Seoul metropolitan area

      Kim, S., Seco, R., Gu, D., Sanchez, D., Jeong, D., Guenther, A. B., Lee, Y., Mak, J. E., Su, L., Kim, D. B., Lee, Y., Ahn, J-Y., Mcgee, T., Sullivan, J., Long, R., Brune, W. H., Thames, A., Wisthaler, A., Müller, M., Mikoviny, T. & 5 flere, Weinheimer, A., Yang, M., Woo, J., Kim, S. & Park, H., 2021, I: Faraday Discussions. 226, s. 537-550 14 s.

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    ID: 201662165