Marianne Ellegaard

Marianne Ellegaard

Ekstern lektor

  1. 2018
  2. Udgivet

    The UV filtering potential of drop-casted layers of frustules of three diatom species

    Su, Y., Lenau, T. A., Gundersen, E., Kirkensgaard, Jacob Judas Kain, Maibohm, C., Pinti, J. & Ellegaard, Marianne, 2018, I: Scientific Reports. 8, 1, 10 s., 959.

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  3. Udgivet

    The dinoflagellate cyst genera Achomosphaera Evitt 1963 and Spiniferites Mantell 1850 in Pliocene to modern sediments: a summary of round table discussions

    Mertens, K. N., Van Nieuwenhove, N., Gurdebeke, P. R., Aydin, H., Bogus, K., Bringue, M., Dale, B., De Schepper, S., de Vernal, A., Ellegaard, M., Grothe, A., Gu, H., Head, M. J., Heikkila, M., Limoges, A., Londeix, L., Louwye, S., Marret, F., Masure, E., Matsuoka, K. & 13 flere, Mudie, P. J., Penaud, A., Pospelova, V., Price, A. M., Ribeiro, S., Rochon, A., Sangiorgi, F., Schreck, M., Torres, V., Uzar, S., Versteegh, G. J. M., Warny, S. & Zonneveld, K., 2018, I: Palynology. 42, Suppl. 1, s. 10-44

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  4. Udgivet

    The effect of different light regimes on diatom frustule silicon concentration

    Su, Y., Lundholm, Nina & Ellegaard, Marianne, 2018, I: Algal Research. 29, s. 36-40 5 s.

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  5. Udgivet

    The long-term persistence of phytoplankton resting stages in aquatic "seed banks"

    Ellegaard, Marianne & Ribeiro, S., 2018, I: Biological Reviews. 93, 1, s. 166-183 18 s.

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  6. Udgivet

    Time capsules in natural sediment archives—Tracking phytoplankton population genetic diversity and adaptation over multidecadal timescales in the face of environmental change

    Ellegaard, Marianne, Godhe, A. & Ribeiro, S., 2018, I: Evolutionary Applications. 11, 1, s. 11-16 6 s.

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  7. 2017
  8. Udgivet

    Long-term cultivation of the diatom Coscinodiscus granii at different light spectra: effects on frustule morphology

    Su, Y., Lundholm, Nina & Ellegaard, Marianne, aug. 2017, I: Journal of Applied Phycology. 29, 4, s. 1775-1779 5 s.

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  9. Udgivet

    Exploring the impact of multi-decadal environmental changes on the population genetic structure of a marine primary producer

    Lundholm, Nina, Ribeiro, S., Godhe, A., Nielsen, Lene Rostgaard & Ellegaard, Marianne, maj 2017, I: Ecology and Evolution. 7, 9, s. 3132-3142 11 s.

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  10. Udgivet

    Dinoflagellate cysts as proxies for holocene environmental change in estuaries: diversity, abundance and morphology

    Ellegaard, Marianne, Dale, B., Mertens, K. N., Pospelova, V. & Ribeiro, S., 2017, Applications of Paleoenvironmental Techniques in Estuarine Studies. Springer, s. 295-312 18 s. (Developments in Paleoenvironmental Research, Bind 20).

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  11. Udgivet

    Exploring human-induced evolution using genomics of revived diatoms from natural archives

    Godhe, A., Gross, S., Tesson, S. V. M., Kourtchenko, O., De Wit, P., Rajala, T., Andersson, B., Ricaud, F. L. F., Axelson-Fisk, M., Nilsson, S., Ellegaard, Marianne, Andersen, Thorbjørn Joest, Nordberg, K., Blomberg, A., Johannesson, K. & Topel, M., 2017, I: Phycologia. 56, 4, s. 64-65 2 s., 132.

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  12. Udgivet

    Palaeoenvironmental history of the Baltic Sea: one of the largest brackish-water ecosystems in the world

    Weckström, K., Lewis, J. P., Andrén, E., Ellegaard, Marianne, Rasmussen, P. & Telford, R., 2017, Applications of paleoenvironmental techniques in estuarine studies. Weckström, K., Saunders, K. M., Gell, P. A. & Skillbeck, C. G. (red.). Springer, s. 615-662 48 s. (Developments in Paleoenvironmental Research, Bind 20).

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ID: 11694