John Fleng Steffensen

John Fleng Steffensen


  1. 2021
  2. Udgivet

    Latency of mechanically stimulated escape responses in the Pacific spiny dogfish, Squalus suckleyi

    Schakmann, M., Becker, V., Søgaard, M., Johansen, J. L., Steffensen, John Fleng & Domenici, P., 2021, I: Journal of Experimental Biology. 224, 6 s., jeb230698.

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  3. Udgivet

    Physiological traits of the Greenland shark Somniosus microcephalus obtained during the TUNU-Expeditions to Northeast Greenland

    Di Prisco, G., Ademollo, N., Ancora, S., Christiansen, J. S., Coppola, D., Corsolini, S., Ferrando, S., Ghigliotti, L., Giordano, D., Lynghammar, A., Nielsen, J., Pisano, E., Russo, R., Steffensen, John Fleng & Verde, C., 2021, Life in Extreme Environments: Insights in Biological Capability. Di Prisco, G., Edwards, H. G. M., Elster, J. & Huiskes, A. H. L. (red.). Cambridge University Press, s. 11-41 (Ecological Reviews).

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  4. Udgivet

    Population ecology, growth, and physico-chemical habitat of anadromous European perch Perca fluviatilis

    Christensen, E. A. F., Svendsen, M. B. S. & Steffensen, John Fleng, 2021, I: Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 249, 8 s., 107091.

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  5. Udgivet

    Regulate or tolerate: Thermal strategy of a coral reef flat resident, the epaulette shark, Hemiscyllium ocellatum

    Nay, T. J., Longbottom, R. J., Gervais, C. R., Johansen, J. L., Steffensen, John Fleng, Rummer, J. L. & Hoey, A. S., 2021, I: Journal of Fish Biology. 98, 3, s. 723-732 10 s.

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  6. Udgivet

    Shuttle-box systems for studying preferred environmental ranges by aquatic animals

    Christensen, E. A. F., Andersen, L. E. J., Bergsson, H., Steffensen, John Fleng & Killen, S. S., 2021, I: Conservation Physiology. 9, 1, 21 s., coab028.

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  7. Udgivet

    Species interactions alter the selection of thermal environment in a coral reef fish

    Nay, T. J., Johansen, J. L., Rummer, J. L., Steffensen, John Fleng & Hoey, A. S., 2021, I: Oecologia. 196, 2, s. 363-371 9 s.

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  8. 2020
  9. Udgivet

    Assessing the reproductive biology of the Greenland shark (Somniosus microcephalus)

    Nielsen, J., Hedeholm, R. B., Lynghammar, A., McClusky, L. M., Berland, B., Steffensen, John Fleng & Christiansen, J. S., 2020, I: PLoS ONE. 15, 10, 22 s., e0238986.

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  10. Udgivet

    Bidirectional cyclical flows increase energetic costs of station holding for a labriform swimming fish, Cymatogaster aggregata

    Luongo, S. M., Ruth, A., Gervais, C. R., Korsmeyer, K. E., Johansen, J. L., Domenici, P. & Steffensen, John Fleng, 2020, I: Conservation Physiology. 8, 1, 11 s., coaa077.

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  11. Udgivet

    Habitat complexity influences selection of thermal environment in a common coral reef fish

    Nay, T. J., Johansen, J. L., Rummer, J. L., Steffensen, John Fleng, Pratchett, M. S. & Hoey, A. S., 2020, I: Conservation Physiology. 8, 1, 9 s., coaa070.

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  12. Udgivet

    Linking hunting weaponry to attack strategies in sailfish and striped marlin

    Hansen, M. J., Krause, S., Breuker, M., Kurvers, R. H. J. M., Dhellemmes, F., Viblanc, P. E., Müller, J., Mahlow, C., Boswell, K., Marras, S., Domenici, P., Wilson, A. D. M., Herbert-Read, J. E., Steffensen, John Fleng, Fritsch, G., Hildebrandt, T. B., Zaslansky, P., Bach, P., Sabarros, P. S. & Krause, J., 2020, I: Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 287, 1918, 9 s., 20192228.

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