Alexandra Rouillard

Alexandra Rouillard


  1. 2016
  2. Groundwater seepage controls salinity in a hydrologically terminal basin of semi-arid northwest Australia

    Skrzypek, G., Dogramaci, S., Rouillard, Alexandra & Grierson, P. F., nov. 2016, I: Journal of Hydrology. 542, s. 627-636

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  3. Interpreting vegetation change in tropical arid ecosystems from sediment molecular fossils and their stable isotope compositions: A baseline study from the Pilbara region of northwest Australia

    Rouillard, Alexandra, Greenwood, P. F., Grice, K., Skrzypek, G., Dogramaci, S., Turney, C. & Grierson, P. F., 1 okt. 2016, I: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology - An International Journal for the Geo-Sciences. 459, s. 495-507 13 s.

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  4. Evidence for extreme floods in arid subtropical northwest Australia during the Little Ice Age chronozone (CE 1400-1850)

    Rouillard, Alexandra, Skrzypek, G., Turney, C., Dogramaci, S., Hua, Q., Zawadzki, A., Reeves, J., Greenwood, P., O’Donnell, A. & Grierson, P., 2016, I: Quaternary Science Reviews. 144, s. 107-122 16 s.

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  5. Natural hazards in Australia: floods

    Johnson, F., White, C. J., van Dijk, A., Ekstrom, M., Evans, J. P., Jakob, D., Kiem, A. S., Leonard, M., Rouillard, Alexandra & Westra, S., 2016, I: Climatic Change. 139, 1, s. 21–35 15 s.

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  6. Natural hazards in Australia: droughts

    Kiem, A. S., Johnson, F., Westra, S., van Dijk, A., Evans, J. P., O’Donnell, A., Rouillard, Alexandra, Barr, C., Tyler, J., Thyer, M., Jakob, D., Woldemeskel, F., Sivakumar, B. & Mehrotra, R., 2016, I: Climatic Change. 139, 1, s. 37–54 18 s.

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  7. 2015
  8. How and why are floods changing in Australia?

    Johnson, F., White, C. J., van Dijk, A., Ekstrom, M., Evans, J. P., Jakob, D., Kiem, A. S., Leonard, M., Rouillard, Alexandra & Westra, S., 2015. 1284 s.

    Publikation: KonferencebidragPaperForskningfagfællebedømt

  9. Impacts of high inter-annual variability of rainfall on a century of extreme hydrologic regime of northwest Australia

    Rouillard, Alexandra, Skrzypek, G., Dogramaci, S., Turney, C. & Grierson, P. F., 2015, I: Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. 19, 4, s. 2057-2078

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  10. 2012
  11. Using paleolimnology to track Holocene climate fluctuations and aquatic ontogeny in poorly buffered High Arctic lakes

    Rouillard, Alexandra, Michelutti, N., Rosen, P., Douglas, M. S. V. & Smol, J. P., 1 mar. 2012, I: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology - An International Journal for the Geo-Sciences. 321, s. 1-15

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  12. 2011
  13. A model for inferring dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in lakewater from visible-near-infrared spectroscopy (VNIRS) measures in lake sediment

    Rouillard, Alexandra, Rosen, P., Pienitz, R., Douglas, M. S. V. & Smol, J. P., aug. 2011, I: Journal of Paleolimnology. 46, 2, s. 187-202

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