Three-dimensional microarchitecture of adolescent cancellous bone

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This study investigated microarchitectural, mechanical, collagen and mineral properties of normal adolescent cancellous bone, and compared them with adult and aging cancellous bone, to obtain more insight into the subchondral bone adaptations during development and growth. Twenty-three human proximal tibiae were harvested and divided into 3 groups according to their ages: adolescence (9 to 17years, n=6), young adult (18 to 24years, n=9), and adult (25 to 30years, n=8). Twelve cubic cancellous bone samples with dimensions of 8×8×8mm(3) were produced from each tibia, 6 from each medial and lateral condyle. These samples were micro-CT scanned (vivaCT 40, Scanco Medical AG, Switzerland) resulting in cubic voxel sizes of 10.5⁎10.5⁎10.5μm(3). Microarchitectural properties were calculated. The samples were then tested in compression followed by collagen and mineral determination. Interestingly, the adolescent cancellous bone had similar bone volume fraction (BV/TV), structure type (plate, rod or mixtures), and connectivity (3-D trabecular networks) as the adult cancellous bone. The adolescent cancellous bone had significantly lower bone surface density (bone surface per total volume of specimen) but higher collagen concentration (collagen weight per dry weight of specimen) than the adult cancellous bone; and significant greater trabecular separation (mean distance between trabeculae), significant lower trabecular number (number of trabeculae per volume), tissue density (dry weight per volume of bone matrix excluding marrow space) and mineral concentration (ash weight per dry weight of specimen) than the young adult and adult cancellous bones. Despite these differences, ultimate stress and failure energy were not significantly different among the three groups, only the Young's modulus in anterior-posterior direction was significantly lower in adolescence. Apparent density appears to be the single best predictor of mechanical properties. In conclusion, adolescent cancellous bone has similar bone volume fraction, structure type, and connectivity as the young adult and adult cancellous bones, and significant lower tissue density, bone surface density and mineral concentration but higher collagen concentration than in the young adult and adult bone. Despite these differences, the mechanical properties did not show significant difference among the three groups except less stiffness in anterior-posterior direction in the adolescents.
Original languageEnglish
Issue number5
Pages (from-to)953-60
Number of pages8
Publication statusPublished - 2012
Externally publishedYes

ID: 252063279