The effect of temperature on emissions of carboxylic acids in passive climate controlled repositories with cultural heritage collections

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingArticle in proceedingsResearchpeer-review

This study investigates the effect of reducing temperature on the emission of carboxylic acids and other volatile organic compounds (VOCs) released from museum objects. Volatile carboxylic acids cause deterioration of cultural heritage collections, e.g. tarnishing of metals, salt efflorescence on calcareous structures, and acid hydrolysis of organic materials. The concentrations of VOCs and carboxylic acids in air were determined in a test chamber set-up. Active sampling of VOCs was performed on Tenax TA® with subsequent thermal desorption and coupled gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (TDS-GC/MS) analysis. Carboxylic acids were trapped on silica gel tubes and analyzed by ion chromatography (IC). The results show that reducing the temperature from 23°C to 10°C will reduce the emission of carboxylic acids from selected cultural heritage materials to 27-68%.It has to be clarified if reducing temperature can have a beneficial effect on air filtration requirements in repositories with passive climate control in Northern Europe.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication15th Conference of the International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate, INDOOR AIR 2018
PublisherInternational Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate
Publication date2018
ISBN (Electronic)9781713826514
Publication statusPublished - 2018
Event15th Conference of the International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate, INDOOR AIR 2018 - Philadelphia, United States
Duration: 22 Jul 201827 Jul 2018


Conference15th Conference of the International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate, INDOOR AIR 2018
LandUnited States
Series15th Conference of the International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate, INDOOR AIR 2018

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2018 15th Conference of the International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate, INDOOR AIR 2018. All rights reserved.

    Research areas

  • Air filtration, Conservation, Cultural heritage, Emissions, VOCs

ID: 356513319