Pancreatic cancer symptom trajectories from Danish registry data and free text in electronic health records

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Pancreatic cancer is one of the deadliest cancer types with poor treatment options. Better detection of early symptoms and relevant disease correlations could improve pancreatic cancer prognosis. In this retrospective study, we used symptom and disease codes (ICD-10) from the Danish National Patient Registry (NPR) encompassing 6.9 million patients from 1994 to 2018,, of whom 23,592 were diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. The Danish cancer registry included 18,523 of these patients. To complement and compare the registry diagnosis codes with deeper clinical data, we used a text mining approach to extract symptoms from free text clinical notes in electronic health records (3078 pancreatic cancer patients and 30,780 controls). We used both data sources to generate and compare symptom disease trajectories to uncover temporal patterns of symptoms prior to pancreatic cancer diagnosis for the same patients. We show that the text mining of the clinical notes was able to complement the registry-based symptoms by capturing more symptoms prior to pancreatic cancer diagnosis. For example, 'Blood pressure reading without diagnosis', 'Abnormalities of heartbeat', and 'Intestinal obstruction' were not found for the registry-based analysis. Chaining symptoms together in trajectories identified two groups of patients with lower median survival (<90 days) following the trajectories 'Cough→Jaundice→Intestinal obstruction' and 'Pain→Jaundice→Abnormal results of function studies'. These results provide a comprehensive comparison of the two types of pancreatic cancer symptom trajectories, which in combination can leverage the full potential of the health data and ultimately provide a fuller picture for detection of early risk factors for pancreatic cancer.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbere84919
Number of pages15
Publication statusPublished - 2023

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2023, Hjaltelin et al.

    Research areas

  • cancer biology, computational biology, disease progression, human, longitudinal analysis, pancreas cancer, patient stratification, symptomology, systems biology

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ID: 375308604