Measurements of cerebrospinal fluid production: a review of the limitations and advantages of current methodologies

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Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is an essential and critical component of the central nervous system (CNS). According to the concept of the “third circulation” originally proposed by Cushing, CSF is mainly produced by the choroid plexus and subsequently leaves the cerebral ventricles via the foramen of Magendie and Luschka. CSF then fills the subarachnoid space from whence it disperses to all parts of the CNS, including the forebrain and spinal cord. CSF provides buoyancy to the submerged brain, thus protecting it against mechanical injury. CSF is also transported via the glymphatic pathway to reach deep interstitial brain regions along perivascular channels; this CSF clearance pathway promotes transport of energy metabolites and signaling molecules, and the clearance of metabolic waste. In particular, CSF is now intensively studied as a carrier for the removal of proteins implicated in neurodegeneration, such as amyloid-β and tau. Despite this key function of CSF, there is little information about its production rate, the factors controlling CSF production, and the impact of diseases on CSF flux. Therefore, we consider it to be a matter of paramount importance to quantify better the rate of CSF production, thereby obtaining a better understanding of CSF dynamics. To this end, we now review the existing methods developed to measure CSF production, including invasive, noninvasive, direct, and indirect methods, and MRI-based techniques. Depending on the methodology, estimates of CSF production rates in a given species can extend over a ten-fold range. Throughout this review, we interrogate the technical details of CSF measurement methods and discuss the consequences of minor experimental modifications on estimates of production rate. Our aim is to highlight the gaps in our knowledge and inspire the development of more accurate, reproducible, and less invasive techniques for quantitation of CSF production.

Original languageEnglish
Article number101
JournalFluids and Barriers of the CNS
Issue number1
Number of pages24
Publication statusPublished - 2022

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2022, The Author(s).

    Research areas

  • Cerebrospinal fluid, Choroid plexus, CSF dynamics, CSF production rate

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ID: 343298505