Issues and Considerations regarding Sharable Data Sets for Recommender Systems in Technology Enhanced Learning

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingArticle in proceedingsResearchpeer-review

  • Hendrik Drachsler
  • Bogers, Antonius Marinus
  • Riina Vuorikari
  • Katrien Verbert
  • Erik Duval
  • Nikos Manouselis
  • Guenther Beham
  • Stephanie Lindstaedt
  • Hermann Stern
  • Martin Friedrich
  • Martin Wolpers
This paper raises the issue of missing standardised data sets for recommender systems in Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) that can be used as benchmarks to compare different recommendation approaches. It discusses how suitable data sets could be created according to some initial suggestions, and investigates a number of steps that may be followed in order to develop reference data sets that will be adopted and reused within a scientific community. In addition, policies are discussed that are needed to enhance sharing of data sets by taking into account legal protection rights. Finally, an initial elaboration of a representation and exchange format for sharable TEL data sets is carried out. The paper concludes with future research needs.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the 1st Workshop on Recommender Systems for Technology Enhanced Learning (RecSysTEL 2010)
Number of pages10
Publication date2010
Publication statusPublished - 2010
SeriesProcedia Computer Science

    Research areas

  • data sharing, recommender systems, data sets, format, technology-enhanced learning, legal protection rights

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ID: 47065088