Infectious hepatitis C viruses of genotype 3A and 4A and uses thereof: Patent #: 8,946,398

Research output: Patent

The present invention relates to molecular approaches to the production of nucleic acid sequences, which comprises the genome of infectious hepatitis C virus. In particular, invention provides nucleic acid sequences which comprise the genomes of infectious hepatitis C viruses of either genotype 3a (strain S52) or genotype 4a (strain ED43). The invention therefore relates to the use of the nucleic acid sequences and polypeptides encoded by all or part of the sequences in the development of vaccines and diagnostic assays for HCV and in the development of screening assays for the identification of antiviral agents for HCV. The invention therefore also relates to the use of viral particles derived from laboratory animals infected with S52 and ED43 viruses.
Original languageEnglish
IPCC07H 21/04 (20060101); C07H 21/02 (20060101)
Patent numberWO2011/038737
Filing date26/07/2012
Priority date16/09/2010
Priority numberPCT/DK2010/050236
Publication statusPublished - 3 Feb 2015

ID: 140385038