Hypersensitivity reactions, hepatotoxicity, and other discontinuations in persons receiving integrase strand transfer inhibitors: results from the EuroSIDA study

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  • Annegret Pelchen-Matthews
  • Jakob Friis Larsen
  • Leah Shepherd
  • Josip Begovac
  • Pedersen, Karen Bjerg
  • Stéphane De Wit
  • Andrzej Horban
  • Elzbieta Jablonowska
  • Margaret Johnson
  • Irina Khromova
  • Marcelo H. Losso
  • Lars N. Nielsen
  • Anna Lisa Ridolfo
  • Brigitte Schmied
  • Christoph Stephan
  • Israel Yust
  • Lloyd Curtis
  • Vani Vannappagari
  • Leigh Ragone
  • Ashley Roen
  • Dorthe Raben
  • Kirk, Ole
  • Lars Peters
  • Amanda Mocroft
  • for the EuroSIDA study group

Background: Hypersensitivity reaction (HSR) and hepatotoxicity are rare, but potentially serious side-effects of antiretroviral use. Objective: To investigate discontinuations due to HSR, hepatotoxicity or other reasons among users of dolutegravir (DTG) vs. raltegravir (RAL) or elvitegravir (EVG) in the EuroSIDA cohort. Methods: We compared individuals ≥18 years and starting combination antiretroviral therapy (ART, ≥3 drugs) with DTG vs. RAL or EVG, with or without abacavir (ABC), between January 16, 2014 and January 23, 2019. Discontinuations due to serious adverse events (SAEs) were independently reviewed. Results: Altogether 4366 individuals started 5116 ART regimens including DTG, RAL, or EVG, contributing 9180 person-years of follow-up (PYFU), with median follow-up 1.6 (interquartile range 0.7–2.8) years per treatment episode. Of these, 3074 (60.1%) used DTG (1738 with ABC, 1336 without) and 2042 (39.9%) RAL or EVG (286 with ABC, 1756 without). 1261 (24.6%) INSTI episodes were discontinued, 649 of the DTG-containing regimens (discontinuation rate 115, 95% CI 106–124/1000 PYFU) and 612 RAL or EVG-containing regimens (173, CI 160–188/1000 PYFU). After independent review, there were five HSR discontinuations, two for DTG (one with and one without ABC, discontinuation rate 0.35, CI 0.04–1.28/1000 PYFU), and three for RAL or EVG without ABC (0.85, CI 0.18–2.48/1000 PYFU). There was one hepatotoxicity discontinuation on DTG with ABC (discontinuation rate 0.18, CI 0.00–0.99/1000 PYFU). Conclusion: During 5 years of observations in the EuroSIDA cohort independently reviewed discontinuations due to HSR or hepatotoxicity were very rare, indicating a low rate of SAEs.

Original languageEnglish
JournalHIV Research and Clinical Practice
Issue number6
Pages (from-to)160-168
Publication statusPublished - 2021

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
EuroSIDA has received funding from ViiV Healthcare LLC, Janssen Scientific Affairs, Janssen R&D, Bristol-Myers Squibb Company, Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp, Gilead Sciences and the European Union?s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under EuroCoord grant agreement n? 260694. The participation of centers from Switzerland has been supported by The Swiss National Science Foundation (Grant 148522). The study is also supported by a grant [grant number DNRF126] from the Danish National Research Foundation and by the International Cohort Consortium of Infectious Disease (RESPOND). This analysis was funded by ViiV Healthcare, who did not influence the analyses presented or the decision to publish study findings. This work was previously presented at the HIV Glasgow 2020 Virtual Congress, October 5?8, 2020 (Abstract P049).

Publisher Copyright:
© 2021 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.

    Research areas

  • antiretroviral therapy, dolutegravir, hepatotoxicity, Human immunodeficiency virus, hypersensitivity reaction, integrase strand transfer inhibitors, serious adverse events

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ID: 302154487