Effects of surgery on ischaemic mitral regurgitation: a prospective multicentre registry (SIMRAM registry)

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  • P. Lancellotti
  • E. Donal
  • B. Cosyns
  • G. Van Camp
  • J.L. Monin
  • E. Brochet
  • A. Berrebi
  • P. Pibarot
  • C. Chauvel
  • Hassager, Christian
  • G. Tumminello
  • C. Tribouilloy
  • S. Lafitte
  • A.G. Fraser
  • G. Derumeaux
  • G. Athanassopoulos
  • J. Bax
  • L.A. Pierard
AIMS: Functional ischaemic mitral regurgitation (IMR) is common in patients with ischaemic left ventricular dysfunction undergoing coronary artery bypass surgery. Although the presence of IMR negatively affects prognosis, the additional benefit of valve repair is debated, particularly with mild IMR at rest. Exercise echocardiography may help identify a subset of patients at higher risk of cardiovascular events by revealing the dynamic component of IMR. METHODS: A large prospective, multicentre, non-randomized registry is designed to evaluate the effects of surgery on IMR at rest and on its dynamic component at exercise (z). SIMRAM will enrol approximately 550 patients with IMR in up to 17 centres with clinical and exercise follow-up for 1 year. Three sets of outcomes will be prospectively assessed and several hypotheses will be tested including determinants of adverse outcome and progressive left ventricular remodeling, efficacy of treatment and role of ischaemia on the dynamic consequences of IMR. Enrolment began in November 2006 and is expected to end by early 2008
Udgivelsesdato: 2008/1
Original languageEnglish
JournalEuropean Journal of Echocardiography
Issue number1
Pages (from-to)26-30
Number of pages4
Publication statusPublished - 2008

ID: 14250335