Danish Prostate Cancer Consortium Study 1 (DPCC-1) protocol: Multicentre prospective validation of the urine-based three-microRNA biomarker model uCaP

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  • Jacob Fredsøe
  • Eske Glud
  • Boesen, Lars Ploug
  • Vibeke Løgager
  • Mads Hvid Poulsen
  • Bodil Ginnerup Pedersen
  • Michael Borre
  • Karina Dalsgaard Sørensen

Introduction The primary objective of the Danish Prostate Cancer Consortium Study 1 (DPCC-1) is to provide validation for a novel urine-based microRNA biomarker, called uCaP, for a diagnosis of prostate cancer. Methods and analysis Eligible participants are biopsy naïve men aged ≥18 years with prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels ≥3 ng/mL, who are referred to prostate MRI due to suspicion of PC at one of the following three major urology/uroradiology centers: Aarhus University Hospital, Herlev & Gentofte University Hospital, or Odense University Hospital, where MRI and targeted biopsy are implemented in clinical use. Exclusion criteria include previous diagnosis of urogenital cancer, contraindication to MRI, gender reassignment treatment or PSA level >20 ng/mL. The participants will be asked to donate a urine sample in connection with their MRI. The study is observational, uses a diagnostic accuracy testing setup and will integrate into the current diagnostic pathway. We will measure the levels of the three microRNAs in the uCaP model (miR-222-3 p, miR-24-3 p and miR-30c-5p) in extracellular vesicle-enriched cell-free urine samples, to assess if uCaP can improve specificity and retain sensitivity for International Society of Urological Pathology Grade Group ≥2 PC, when used as a reflex test to PSA ≥3 ng/mL. We hypothesise that uCaP can improve selection for prostate MRI and reduce the number of unnecessary scans and biopsies. Ethics and dissemination This study is approved by the Central Denmark Region Committee on Health Research Ethics (reference number: 1-10-72-85-22). All participants will provide written informed consent. Study results will be published in peer-reviewed journals and presented in scientific meetings. Trial registration number NCT05767307 at clinicaltrials.gov.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbere077020
JournalBMJ Open
Issue number11
Number of pages5
Publication statusPublished - 2023

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
This work was supported by The Novo Nordisk Foundation, grant number NNF21OC0071538. This funding source had no role in the design of this study and will not have any role during its execution, analyses, interpretation of the data, or decision to submit results.

Publisher Copyright:
© Author(s) (or their employer(s)) 2023. Re-use permitted under CC BY-NC. No commercial re-use. See rights and permissions. Published by BMJ.

    Research areas

  • Diagnostic radiology, Magnetic resonance imaging, ONCOLOGY, Prostate disease

ID: 396729086