X-ray imaging with the PILATUS 100k detector

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  • Martin Bech
  • O. Bunk
  • C. David
  • P. Kraft
  • C. Brönnimann
  • E.F. Eikenberry
  • F. Pfeiffer
We report on the application of the PILATUS 100K pixel detector for medical imaging. Experimental results are presented in the form of X-ray radiographs using standard X-ray absorption contrast and a recently developed phase contrast imaging method. The results obtained with the PILATUS detector are compared to results obtained with a conventional X-ray imaging system consisting of an X-ray scintillation screen, lens optics, and a charge coupled device. Finally, the results for both systems are discussed more quantitatively based on an image power spectrum analysis.
Udgivelsesdato: April
TidsskriftApplied Radiation and Isotopes
Udgave nummer4
Sider (fra-til)474-478
Antal sider5
StatusUdgivet - 2008

ID: 10479381