UV Irradiation Induces a Non-coding RNA that Functionally Opposes the Protein Encoded by the Same Gene.

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  • L Williamson
  • M Saponaro
  • S Boeing
  • P East
  • R Mitter
  • T Kantidakis
  • GP Kelly
  • A Lobley
  • J Walker
  • B Spencer-Dene
  • M Howell
  • A Stewart
  • Svejstrup, Jesper Qualmann
The transcription-related DNA damage response was analyzed on a genome-wide scale with great spatial and temporal resolution. Upon UV irradiation, a slowdown of transcript elongation and restriction of gene activity to the promoter-proximal ∼25 kb is observed. This is associated with a shift from expression of long mRNAs to shorter isoforms, incorporating alternative last exons (ALEs) that are more proximal to the transcription start site. Notably, this includes a shift from a protein-coding ASCC3 mRNA to a shorter ALE isoform of which the RNA, rather than an encoded protein, is critical for the eventual recovery of transcription. The non-coding ASCC3 isoform counteracts the function of the protein-coding isoform, indicating crosstalk between them. Thus, the ASCC3 gene expresses both coding and non-coding transcript isoforms with opposite effects on transcription recovery after UV-induced DNA damage.
Udgave nummer5
Sider (fra-til)843-855.e13
Antal sider27
StatusUdgivet - 2017
Eksternt udgivetJa

ID: 331083390