University students’ conceptual knowledge of randomness and probability in the contexts of evolution and mathematics

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Students of all ages face severe conceptual difficulties regarding key aspects of evolution— the central, unifying, and overarching theme in biology. Aspects strongly related to abstract “threshold” concepts like randomness and probability appear to pose particular difficulties. A further problem is the lack of an appropriate instrument for assessing students’ conceptual knowledge of randomness and probability in the context of evolution. To address this problem, we have developed two instruments, Randomness and Probability Test in the Context of Evolution (RaProEvo) and Randomness and Probability Test in the Context of Mathematics (RaProMath), that include both multiple-choice and free-response items. The instruments were administered to 140 university students in Germany, then the Rasch partial-credit model was applied to assess them. The results indicate that the instruments generate reliable and valid inferences about students’ conceptual knowledge of randomness and probability in the two contexts (which are separable competencies). Furthermore, RaProEvo detected significant differences in knowledge of randomness and probability, as well as evolutionary theory, between biology majors and preservice biology teachers.

TidsskriftCBE Life Sciences Education
Udgave nummer2
StatusUdgivet - 1 jun. 2017
Eksternt udgivetJa

Bibliografisk note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2017 D. Fiedler et al.

ID: 379710387