Understanding the role of boron in plant responses to soil salinity

Publikation: Bog/antologi/afhandling/rapportPh.d.-afhandlingForskning

Soil salinity is a major environmental hurdle for agricultural production, inhibiting crop growth reducing yield, and resulting in huge economic costs every year. Boron (B) is an essential micronutrient for plants that play a critical role in cell wall composition, membrane structure, and a broad range of metabolic activities. A few studies reported the beneficial effects of B on salinity tolerance in plants; however, the mechanistic basis of this process remains highly elusive. This study aimed to explore the mechanistic basis of the role of B for salt-grown plants including pea (Pisum sativum), Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana), and barley (Hordeum vulgare) with contrasting salinity stress tolerance, using a range of electrophysiological, molecular, and phenotyping techniques.

In the salt-sensitive pea plants (Chapters 3-4), the detrimental effects of salinity on pea seedlings were reduced by the presence of appropriate B due to stimulation of H+-ATPase and the prevention of NaCl-induced K+ loss in the root, the higher shoot K retention, and Ca2+ influx functions as the signal response. Subsequently, we found B also exhibited an effect on halotropism besides root growth stimulation in model plant Arabidopsis (Chapter 5). The ameliorative effect of B on the Arabidopsis under salt stress exhibits a time- and dosedependent pattern based on H+-ATPase stimulation and a subsequent K+ retention, involving auxin- and RALF-FERONIA- pathways. In Chapter 6, B availability resulted in better salt tolerance in barley, which was achieved by improved photosynthetic performance, a more optimal K+/Na+ ratio and reduced Na+ and Cl− accumulation, higher K+ retention resulting from stimulation of H+-ATPase and a consequent plasma membrane (PM) hyperpolarization. The better performance of salt-tolerant TX9425 compared with salt-sensitive Gairdner response to salinity could be attributed to its superior capacity in the sequestration shoot Na+ and root K+ retention as well as desensitization of K+ loss response to ROS.

Overall, this work demonstrates that ameliorating effects of B on plant adapt to salinity include (amongst others): the stimulation of root H+-ATPase and a consequent PM hyperpolarization, the prevention of NaCl-induced root K+ loss, and the reduced Na+ and Cl− accumulation. Thus, B-treated plants maintained a more optimal K/Na ratio and showed improved photosynthetic performance and growth under saline conditions. Also, stressinduced Ca2+ signatures and the desensitization of K+ loss response to ROS affected by B. All reported effects of B exhibited strong time- and dose-dependency. These traits may be considered new targets in crop breeding programs aimed at enhancing salt tolerance.
ForlagDepartment of Plant and Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen
Antal sider163
StatusUdgivet - 2024

ID: 399275115