Transmission planning in an imperfectly competitive power sector with environmental externalities

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Policymakers face the challenge of integrating intermittent output from variable renewable energy (VRE). Even in a well-functioning power sector with flexible generation, producers’ incentives may not align with society's welfare-maximisation objective. At the same time, political pressure can obstruct policymakers from pricing damage from CO2 emissions according to its social costs. In facilitating decarbonisation, transmission planning will have to adapt to such economic and environmental distortions. Using a Stackelberg model of the Nordic power sector, we find that a first-best transmission-expansion plan involves better resource sharing between zones, which actually reduces the need for some VRE adoption. Next, we allow for departures from perfect competition and identify an extended transmission-expansion plan under market power by nuclear plants. By contrast, temporal arbitrage by hydro reservoirs does not necessitate transmission expansion beyond that of perfect competition because it incentivises sufficient VRE adoption using existing lines. Meanwhile, incomplete CO2 pricing under perfect competition requires a transmission plan that matches hydro-rich zones with sites for VRE adoption. However, since incomplete CO2 pricing leaves fossil-fuelled generation economically viable, it reduces the leverage of strategic producers, thereby catalysing less (more) extensive transmission expansion under market power by nuclear (hydro) plants.

TidsskriftEnergy Economics
Antal sider21
StatusUdgivet - 2024

Bibliografisk note

Funding Information:
The work of Hassanzadeh Moghimi and Siddiqui has been supported by funding received from the Swedish Energy Agency (Energimyndigheten) under project number 49259-1 [STRING: Storage, Transmission, and Renewable Interactions in the Nordic Grid]. Boomsma has been supported by the Independent Research Fund Denmark (Danmarks Frie Forskningsfond) under project number project 0217-00009B [Energy sector coupling, market equilibrium and decarbonization policies]. We have benefited from feedback received at the 2023 IAEE European Conference and the 2023 INFORMS Annual Meeting. Comments from three anonymous referees and the handling editor have greatly improved the manuscript. All remaining errors are the authors\u2019 own.

Publisher Copyright:
© 2024 The Author(s)

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