Towards QoS-awareness of context-aware mobile applications and services

Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportKonferencebidrag i proceedingsForskningfagfællebedømt

In our current connected wireless world, mobile devices are enabled to use various networking facilities. Although this enables mobile users to communicate any time and any place, it may also be very intrusive. There is a high need to manage the information stream a user receives on his/her mobile device. Context-awareness seems to be a promising way to manage this information stream and to provide the means to communicate at the right time in the right way. Current context-aware applications benefit from the user context (e.g. location information), however, they do not consider the quality of service (QoS) offered by various networks (i.e. only best-effort QoS is considered). The research discussed in this paper focuses on a QoS- and context-aware service infrastructure supporting the development of mobile applications in a heterogeneous network environment. We argue that the use of context information helps to better capture the user's required QoS and improves the delivered QoS.

TitelOn the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems 2005 : OTM Workshops - OTM Confederated Int. Workshops and Posters, AWeSOMe, CAMS, GADA, MIOS+INTEROP, ORM, PhDS, SeBGIS, SWWS, and WOSE 2005, Proceedings
Antal sider10
Publikationsdato1 dec. 2005
ISBN (Trykt)3540297391, 9783540297390
StatusUdgivet - 1 dec. 2005
BegivenhedOTM Confederated Internationl Workshops and Posters, AWeSOMe, CAMS, GADA, MIOS+INTEROP, ORM, PhDS, SeBGIS, SWWS, and WOSE 2005 - Agia Napa, Cypern
Varighed: 31 okt. 20054 nov. 2005


KonferenceOTM Confederated Internationl Workshops and Posters, AWeSOMe, CAMS, GADA, MIOS+INTEROP, ORM, PhDS, SeBGIS, SWWS, and WOSE 2005
ByAgia Napa
NavnLecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
Vol/bind3762 LNCS

ID: 229895671