Toward the Establishment of Standardized in Vitro Tests for Lipid-Based Formulations. 2. The Effect of Bile Salt Concentration and Drug Loading on the Performance of Type I, II, IIIA, IIIB, and IV Formulations during in Vitro Digestion

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  • Hywel D. Williams
  • Mette U. Anby
  • Philip Sassene
  • Karen Kleberg
  • Jean-Claude Bakala-N’Goma
  • Marilyn Calderone
  • Vincent Jannin
  • Annabel Igonin
  • Anette Partheil
  • Delphine Marchaud
  • Eduardo Jule
  • Jan Vertommen
  • Mario Maio
  • Ross Blundell
  • Hassan Benameur
  • Frédéric Carrière
  • Müllertz, Anette
  • Colin W. Pouton
  • Christopher J. H. Porter
TidsskriftMolecular Pharmaceutics
Udgave nummer11
Sider (fra-til)3286-3300
Antal sider15
StatusUdgivet - 2012

ID: 45664619