To Manifest African Destiny: The (Spiritual) Revolution, Pentecostal Belonging, and the Past in Zanzibar

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This chapter deals with how the past is influencing the formation of religious belonging in present-day Zanzibar. It analyses Pentecostal Christians’ engagement with the past when interpreting experiences of violence, conflict and contestations. Through ethnographic research, the case highlights that certain elements of Zanzibar’s history–African slavery and Muslim Arab domination over Africans–become important features in the making of Christian belonging, a cornerstone in an ongoing narrative for liberating people, land and nation(s) from evil in the present and the future. With Pentecostal Christian migrants situating their presence, growth, and influence in society in continuation with scripts of the Zanzibar revolution and constitution of the Union between Zanzibar and Tanganyika in the 1960s, the chapter highlights Pentecostal Christians’ engagements with the past to reveal processes of emplacement, localization and agency between positions of inclusion and exclusion.
Titel Across the Waves : Strategies of Belonging in Indian Ocean Island Societies
RedaktørerIain Walker, Marie-Aude Fouéré
Antal sider28
Publikationsdato28 mar. 2022
ISBN (Trykt)978-90-04-51009-8
ISBN (Elektronisk)978-90-04-51010-4
StatusUdgivet - 28 mar. 2022
NavnAfrican Social Studies Series

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