The UV-brightest Lyman continuum emitting star-forming galaxy

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  • R. Marques-Chaves
  • D. Schaerer
  • J. Alvarez-Marquez
  • L. Colina
  • M. Dessauges-Zavadsky
  • I. Perez-Fournon
  • A. Saldana-Lopez
  • A. Verhamme

We report the discovery of J0121+0025, an extremely luminous and young star-forming galaxy (M-UV = -24.11, log[L-Ly alpha/erg s(-1)] = 43.8) at z = 3.244 showing copious Lyman continuum (LyC) leakage (f(esc, abs) approximate to 40 per cent). High signalto-noise ratio rest-frame UV spectroscopy with the Gran Telescopio Canarias reveals a high significance (7.9 sigma) emission below the Lyman limit (

TidsskriftMonthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Udgave nummer1
Sider (fra-til)524-538
Antal sider15
StatusUdgivet - okt. 2021

ID: 299503522