The state of embodiment in STEM education: A systematic review of how embodied cognition is used in k-12 STEM education

Publikation: KonferencebidragKonferenceabstrakt til konferenceForskningfagfællebedømt

Empirical studies have shown that instructional approaches that build on embodied cognition perspectives can help improve k-12 STEM education; however, these studies often originate from different disciplinary traditions, draw on different understandings of embodiment, and focus on different aspects of the learning process. Consequently, we lack a comprehensive overview of embodiment in STEM education that represents the field as a whole. In response, this study provides a systematic literature review of how embodied cognition has been used in k-12 STEM education. We identified and analyzed empirical studies from three major databases (Scopus, ERIC, and Web of Science), using both thematic- and network analysis. The inclusion of network analysis allows us to establish statistical patterns that might have gone unnoticed by thematic analysis alone, which makes it a potent combination of analytical tools. We used an inclusive and flexible query, meant to capture any relevant empirical studies on embodiment, across all STEM subjects, k-12 gradelevels, and disciplinary traditions. Our findings bring to light (1) why researchers choose to draw on embodied cognition in k-12 STEM education, (2) what aspect of embodiment they focus on, and (3) how they evaluate the outcome of the embodied activity. These results will help inform instructional practices by highlighting commonalities across effective uses of embodiment in STEM education. Our findings will also provide guidance for future empirical studies by uncovering underrepresented or unexplored avenues of embodiment in k-12 STEM education.
StatusUdgivet - 2024
BegivenhedFirst International Conference on Embodied Education - Danish School of Education (DPU), Aarhus University, Copenhagen, Danmark
Varighed: 15 maj 202417 maj 2024


KonferenceFirst International Conference on Embodied Education
LokationDanish School of Education (DPU), Aarhus University

ID: 398973349