The effect of inosine on the spectroscopic properties and crystal structure of a NIR-emitting DNA-stabilized silver nanocluster

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The effect of replacing guanosines with inosines in the two stabilizing strands (5 '-CACCTAGCGA-3 ') of the NIR emissive DNA-Ag16NC was investigated. The spectroscopic behavior of the inosine mutants is position-dependent: when the guanosine in position 7 was exchanged, the nanosecond fluorescence decay time shortened, while having the inosine in position 9 made the decay time longer. Thanks to structural information gained from single crystal X-ray diffraction measurements, it was possible to propose a mechanistic origin for the observed changes.

TidsskriftNanoscale Advances
Udgave nummer15
Sider (fra-til)3212–3217
Antal sider6
StatusUdgivet - 20 jun. 2022

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