The Double Semion State in Infinite Volume

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We describe in a simple setting how to extract a braided tensor category from a collection of superselection sectors of a two-dimensional quantum spin system, corresponding to abelian anyons. We extract from this category its fusion ring as well as its F and R-symbols. We then construct the double semion state in infinite volume and extract the braided tensor category describing its semion, anti-semion, and bound state excitations. We verify that this category is equivalent to the representation category of the twisted quantum double Dϕ(Z2).

TidsskriftAnnales Henri Poincare
StatusE-pub ahead of print - 2024

Bibliografisk note

Funding Information:
A. B. was supported by the Simons Foundation. B. K. was supported by the Villum Foundation through the QMATH Center of Excellence (Grant No. 10059) and the Villum Young Investigator (Grant No. 25452) programs.

Publisher Copyright:
© The Author(s) 2024.

ID: 398548117