TFEB-dependent lysosome biogenesis is required for senescence

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  • Rachel Curnock
  • Katy Yalci
  • Johan Palmfeldt
  • Jaattela, Marja
  • Bin Liu
  • Bernadette Carroll

The accumulation of senescent cells is recognised as a driver of tissue and organismal ageing. One of the gold-standard hallmarks of a senescent cell is an increase in lysosomal content, as measured by senescence-associated β-galactosidase (Senβ-Gal) activity. The lysosome plays a central role in integrating mitogenic and stress cues to control cell metabolism, which is known to be dysregulated in senescence. Despite this, little is known about the cause and consequence of lysosomal biogenesis in senescence. We find here that lysosomes in senescent cells are dysfunctional; they have higher pH, increased evidence of membrane damage and reduced proteolytic capacity. The significant increase in lysosomal content is however sufficient to maintain degradative capacity of the cell to a level comparable to proliferating control cells. We demonstrate that increased nuclear TFEB/TFE3 supports lysosome biogenesis, is a hallmark of multiple forms of senescence and is required for senescent cell survival. TFEB/TFE3 are hypo-phosphorylated and show constitutive nuclear localisation in senescence. Evidence suggests that several pathways may contribute to TFEB/TFE3 dysregulation in senescence.

TidsskriftEMBO Journal
StatusUdgivet - 2023

Bibliografisk note

Funding Information:
BC is supported by The Royal Society and Wellcome Trust (218547/Z/19/Z). The authors gratefully acknowledge the Wolfson Bioimaging Facility and the Bristol Flow Cytometry Unit, University of Bristol, UK, for their support and assistance in this work. MJ is supported by Danish National Research Foundation (DNRF125) and Danish Cancer Society (R269‐A15695). Mette Hadberg Løbner at Aarhus University, Denmark is acknowledged for skilled technical assistance with the proteomics analyses. We thank John and Birthe Meyer Foundation for financial support of the mass spectrometry instrumentation (JP).

Publisher Copyright:
© 2023 The Authors. Published under the terms of the CC BY 4.0 license.

ID: 341345811