TCRD and Pharos 2021: mining the human proteome for disease biology

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  • Timothy K. Sheils
  • Stephen L. Mathias
  • Keith J. Kelleher
  • Vishal B. Siramshetty
  • Dac Trung Nguyen
  • Cristian G. Bologa
  • Jensen, Lars Juhl
  • Dušica Vidović
  • Amar Koleti
  • Stephan C. Schürer
  • Anna Waller
  • Jeremy J. Yang
  • Jayme Holmes
  • Giovanni Bocci
  • Noel Southall
  • Poorva Dharkar
  • Ewy Mathé
  • Anton Simeonov
  • Tudor I. Oprea

In 2014, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) initiated the Illuminating the Druggable Genome (IDG) program to identify and improve our understanding of poorly characterized proteins that can potentially be modulated using small molecules or biologics. Two resources produced from these efforts are: The Target Central Resource Database (TCRD) ( and Pharos (, a web interface to browse the TCRD. The ultimate goal of these resources is to highlight and facilitate research into currently understudied proteins, by aggregating a multitude of data sources, and ranking targets based on the amount of data available, and presenting data in machine learning ready format. Since the 2017 release, both TCRD and Pharos have produced two major releases, which have incorporated or expanded an additional 25 data sources. Recently incorporated data types include human and viral-human protein-protein interactions, protein-disease and protein-phenotype associations, and drug-induced gene signatures, among others. These aggregated data have enabled us to generate new visualizations and content sections in Pharos, in order to empower users to find new areas of study in the druggable genome.

TidsskriftNucleic Acids Research
Udgave nummerD1
Sider (fra-til)D1334-D1346
Antal sider13
StatusUdgivet - 2021

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