Svær adenoviruspneumoni hos en immunkompetent mand

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We describe a case of severe community-acquired adenovirus pneumonia in an immunocompetent 66-year-old man. He presented with one-day history of malaise, fever and emesis. Initial laboratory tests showed increased C-reactive protein level, normal white blood cell count and mild anaemia. The chest X-ray was unremarkable. A few days following admission his condition deteriorated to respiratory failure and sepsis. Chest CT-images showed bilateral infiltrates and pleural effusion. Pleural fluid and tracheal aspirates were positive for adenovirus by polymerase chain reaction assay. No other microbial pathogens were identified.

Bidragets oversatte titelSevere adenovirus pneumonia in an immunocompetent man
TidsskriftUgeskrift for Laeger
Udgave nummer29
Antal sider2
StatusUdgivet - 2020

ID: 260057298