Subakromialt impingement-syndrom

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Subacromial impingement syndrome is one of the most common causes of shoulder pain and is associated with substantial shoulder impairments. The initial treatment should be non-operative in form of rotator cuff and scapula strengthening exercises for at least three months. Not all patients respond satisfactorily to non-operative treatment, but only patients with persistent symptoms after sufficiently tried non-operative treatment, should be referred to an orthopaedic specialist.

Bidragets oversatte titelSubacromial impingement syndrome
TidsskriftUgeskrift for Laeger
Antal sider5
StatusUdgivet - 2019


  • Exercise Therapy, Humans, Rotator Cuff, Scapula, Shoulder Impingement Syndrome/complications, Shoulder Pain

ID: 241225489