Structural evolution of maize starches with different amylose content during pasting and gelation as evidenced by Rapid Visco Analyser

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This study examined multi-scale structural alterations of maize starches varying in amylose content during pasting and gelation, using Rapid Visco Analyser (RVA). At 50 °C, starch granules maintained their morphology with low viscosity. As the temperature increased to 95 °C, helical and crystal structures were destroyed, leading to granule swelling, distortion and porosity, as identified by Wide Angle X-ray Scattering and Fourier Transforms Infrared measurements at 90% moisture. This resulted in increased viscosity and the formation of a loose gel network structure. Subsequently, maintaining the temperature at 95 °C caused a decrease in viscosity as most granules disappeared, forming a reorganized flaky gel structure with larger pores. As the temperature decreased, gel porosity reduced. In high amylose content starch, the viscosity remained low and granules were partially gelatinized since the heating temperature was below the gelatinization temperature. This study is the first to detail starch multilevel structural dynamics during RVA gelatinization.

TidsskriftFood Chemistry
Antal sider11
StatusUdgivet - 2024

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ID: 402486131