SCUBA-2 Ultra Deep Imaging EAO Survey (STUDIES). IV. Spatial Clustering and Halo Masses of Submillimeter Galaxies

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  • Chen-Fatt Lim
  • Chian-Chou Chen
  • Ian Smail
  • Wei-Hao Wang
  • Wei-Leong Tee
  • Yen-Ting Lin
  • Douglas Scott
  • Yoshiki Toba
  • Yu-Yen Chang
  • YiPing Ao
  • Arif Babul
  • Andy Bunker
  • Scott C. Chapman
  • David L. Clements
  • Christopher J. Conselice
  • Yu Gao
  • Thomas R. Greve
  • Luis C. Ho
  • Sungwook E. Hong
  • Ho Seong Hwang
  • Og 5 flere
  • Maciej Koprowski
  • Michal J. Michalowski
  • Hyunjin Shim
  • Xinwen Shu
  • James M. Simpson

We analyze an extremely deep 450 mu m image (1 sigma = 0.56 mJy beam(-1)) of a similar or equal to 300 arcmin(2) area in the CANDELS/COSMOS field as part of the Sub-millimeter Common User Bolometric Array-2 Ultra Deep Imaging EAO Survey. We select a robust (signal-to-noise ratio >= 4) and flux-limited (>= 4 mJy) sample of 164 submillimeter galaxies (SMGs) at 450 mu m that have K-band counterparts in the COSMOS2015 catalog identified from radio or mid-infrared imaging. Utilizing this SMG sample and the 4705 K-band-selected non-SMGs that reside within the noise level

TidsskriftAstrophysical Journal
Udgave nummer2
Antal sider18
StatusUdgivet - 2 jun. 2020

ID: 319530568