Repression of developmental transcription factor networks triggers aging-associated gene expression in human glial progenitor cells

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  • John N. Mariani
  • Benjamin Mansky
  • Pernille M. Madsen
  • Dennis Salinas
  • Deniz Kesmen
  • Nguyen P.T. Huynh
  • Nicholas J. Kuypers
  • Erin R. Kesel
  • Janna Bates
  • Casey Payne
  • Devin Chandler-Militello
  • Abdellatif Benraiss
  • Goldman, Steven Alan
Human glial progenitor cells (hGPCs) exhibit diminished expansion competence with age, as well as after recurrent demyelination. Using RNA-sequencing to compare the gene expression of fetal and adult hGPCs, we identify age-related changes in transcription consistent with the repression of genes enabling mitotic expansion, concurrent with the onset of aging-associated transcriptional programs. Adult hGPCs develop a repressive transcription factor network centered on MYC, and regulated by ZNF274, MAX, IKZF3, and E2F6. Individual over-expression of these factors in iPSC-derived hGPCs lead to a loss of proliferative gene expression and an induction of mitotic senescence, replicating the transcriptional changes incurred during glial aging. miRNA profiling identifies the appearance of an adult-selective miRNA signature, imposing further constraints on the expansion competence of aged GPCs. hGPC aging is thus associated with acquisition of a MYC-repressive environment, suggesting that suppression of these repressors of glial expansion may permit the rejuvenation of aged hGPCs.
TidsskriftNature Communications
Udgave nummer1
Antal sider19
StatusUdgivet - 2024

Bibliografisk note

Funding Information:
This work was supported by the Adelson Medical Research Foundation, and NIH grants R01NS110776 and R01AG072298 to S.G, as well as by CNS2, Inc., and by a Novo Nordisk Foundation grant to P.M. We thank Roman Lu\u0161trik (Genialis) for assistance in deploying the Shiny app, and Lorenz Studer (Memorial Sloan-Kettering) for his generous provision of the C27 hiPS cells.

Publisher Copyright:
© The Author(s) 2024.

ID: 392445523