Regionale Weichteilrekonstruktion an der unteren Extremität

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The present refresher article highlights the current role of pedicled flaps in the reconstruction of complex wounds at the lower extremity. Due to the increasing standardization and ongoing improvements in microsurgery and in view of the fact that local tissue limitation and elevated rates of wound healing disorders reduced the attraction of pedicled flaps to the lower extremity, free flaps became a serious alternative. However, in consideration of the individual patient demand pedicled flaps to the lower extremity still have their eligibility and can be superior to free flaps in selected cases. Here we present a short guide for the general use and indications of pedicled flaps particular to the lower extremity and give a detailed overview of five established pedicled flaps. Based on our experience we provide pitfalls and pearls and discuss the reconstructive decision-making in light of the alternative free flap option.
Bidragets oversatte titelPedicled Flaps in the Reconstruction of Complex Wounds at the Lower Extremity
TidsskriftZeitschrift fur Orthopadie und Unfallchirurgie
Udgave nummer1
Sider (fra-til)95-108
Antal sider14
StatusUdgivet - 2019

Bibliografisk note

Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York.


  • Humans, Lower Extremity/injuries, Plastic Surgery Procedures/methods, Soft Tissue Injuries/surgery, Surgical Flaps/surgery

ID: 329564513