Raman scattering and x-ray diffraction studies of polycrystalline CaCu3Ti4 O12 under high-pressure

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  • D. Valim
  • A.G. Souza Filho
  • P.T.C. Freire
  • S.B. Fagan
  • A.P. Ayala
  • J. Mendes Filho
  • A.F.L. Almeida
  • P.B.A. Fechine
  • A.S.B. Sombra
  • Janus Staun Olsen
  • L. Gerward
Udgivelsesdato: 20 Oct.
TidsskriftPhysical Review B. Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Udgave nummer13
Sider (fra-til)132103
StatusUdgivet - 2004

ID: 101435