Outpatient follow-up and management of infective endocarditis

Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportBidrag til bog/antologiForskningfagfællebedømt

  • A. Dahl
  • M. Hernandez-Meneses
  • J. Ambrosioni
  • J. M. Pericàs
  • C. Falces
  • E. Quintana
  • B. Vidal
  • A. Perissinotti
  • M. Almela
  • D. Fuster
  • E. Sandoval
  • J. M. Tolosana
  • C. García de la Maria
  • D. García-Pares
  • A. Moreno
  • Bruun, Niels Eske
  • J. M. Miro

This chapter explains different aspects of outpatient management, treatment, and follow-up in endocarditis patients. The opportunity to complete the last part of the antimicrobial treatment outside the hospital as intravenous or oral treatment is central. The first objective is to identify patients sufficiently stable to shift to outpatient treatment and the relevant criteria for finishing the antimicrobial therapy outside the hospital are discussed. The suggested oral antibiotic regimens are considered and the importance of performing a transesophageal echocardiography before shifting to outpatient treatment stressed. The chapter also assesses the recommendations for clinical and microbiological follow-up on short- as well as long-term. In addition, the chapter deals with cardiac surgery follow-up in patients operated during the endocarditis course and in patients with sequelae of significant valve destruction that might lead to cardiac surgery in the posttreatment phase. Finally, relevant ongoing and future research in the field is reviewed.

TitelInfective Endocarditis : A Multidisciplinary Approach
ISBN (Trykt)9780128208977
ISBN (Elektronisk)9780128206577
StatusUdgivet - 2022

Bibliografisk note

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