Occupy Climate Change! An Introduction

Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportBidrag til bog/antologiForskningfagfællebedømt

This introduction presents the Occupy Climate Change! research project, the root from which this volume has sprouted. Armiero, De Rosa and Turhan discuss the main themes addressed by the project and the contribu-tors to the volume: the (counter-)power of community led experiments, the trap of the mainstream climate change discourses and policies, and the need to repoliticizing climate adaptation and mitigation. Facing loss and damage now and not in a remote future, communities are experimenting with a wide variety of social innovations, often deeply antagonistic to top-down approaches, sometimes more inclined towards collaborations with institutions. This introduction attempts to systematize the characteristics of social innovations vs. market innovations, though, avoiding to propose any f ixed canon to evaluate grassroots experiments.
TitelUrban Movements and Climate Change : Loss, Damage and Radical Adaptation
RedaktørerMarco Armiero, Salvatore Paolo de Rosa, Ethemcan Turhan
ForlagAmsterdam University Press
ISBN (Trykt)9789463726665
ISBN (Elektronisk)9789048554805
StatusUdgivet - 2024

ID: 378758454