NanoByg: A survey of nanoinnovation in Danish construction

Publikation: Bog/antologi/afhandling/rapportRapportForskning


NanoByg is a pre-project funded by the private strategic foundation Realdania running in the period November 2006 until March 2007. The pre-project looks into the perspectives and potentials of nanotechnology in Danish construction. The purpose is to establish a basis for discussion on a potential initiative within nanoconstruction (termed NanoByg), with RealDania as well as varies ministries and other funding agents.. The pre-project also seeks to establish knowledge of and links between the nano science community and the construction industry to facilitate future cooperation between these areas
ForlagRisø National Laboratory
Antal sider73
ISBN (Elektronisk)978-87-550-3589-8
StatusUdgivet - 2007
Eksternt udgivetJa
NavnRisø R
Nummer1602 (EN)

ID: 368734094