Metal allergen of the 21st century--a review on exposure, epidemiology and clinical manifestations of palladium allergy

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Consumers are mainly exposed to palladium from jewellery and dental restorations. Palladium contact allergy is nearly always seen together with nickel allergy, as palladium and nickel tend to cross-react. We aimed to analyse the available palladium patch test data and case reports to determine whether the prevalence of palladium mono-sensitization has increased. Based on available patch test data from the period 1986-2008, a total of 10 778 patients were patch tested with palladium chloride. The median prevalence of palladium allergy was 7.8% (range
TidsskriftContact Dermatitis
Udgave nummer4
Sider (fra-til)185-95
Antal sider11
StatusUdgivet - 1 apr. 2011

ID: 34123703