Making the Library the Center of Bibliometrics and Research Data Management

Publikation: KonferencebidragPosterFormidling


On April 1st, 2021 the Center for Research Data (CRD) was established at the University Library of Southern Denmark (SDUB). The centre was a fusion of the two units already servicing the researchers at University of Southern Denmark (SDU): the Research Analytics group working with bibliometrics; and the Research Data Management Support unit. Together the two groups, now united in the new centre, services the university faculty with analyses within the domain of bibliometrics and advices them about any aspect regarding research data management. CRD is strategically positioned at the library to fit nicely with the rest of the university’s service units which are the analytics office, the research and innovation office, the IT department, the faculty research support units, the research ethical committee, the eScience center and SDU’s data protection officer. By coordinating our activities with all SDU’s service units, we can offer the best possible, coherent, and most relevant service to our researchers.<br/><br/>This poster showcases the work being done at CRD, unfolded mainly in the following two directions.<br/>• Bibliometric analyses for single researchers and research groups. This includes our Researcher Footprint that provides a visual overview of the online academic presence of our researchers by retrieving information from databases like Scopus, Web of Science, and Google Scholar. <br/>• Hands on help to researchers on how to handle their data from when they are “born” to when they will be deleted/anonymized or archived. We will present our efforts on assisting researchers with writing a Data Management Plan, as well as on how to estimate research data management costs when applying for funding by following our customized data management costing tool template. Lastly, we will present our contributions to the national efforts on data management including the creation of educational videos, websites, and technical reports .
StatusUdgivet - 2021

ID: 403565282