Long-term pain relief after groin hernia repair for sports groin: A nationwide cohort study

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Background: The groin is a complex anatomical area with multiple structures that can be injured and cause pain. One condition with groin pain is the so-called “sports groin,” which can be treated with a groin hernia repair even though no hernia is present. The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of chronic groin pain several years after a groin hernia repair performed in patients with a sports groin. Methods: This nationwide cohort study included adults who had a groin hernia repair for a sports groin through the years 1998–2011. The patients were identified through the Danish Hernia Database and in surgical records. Patients were asked to fill out four questionnaires several years after the repair: a visual analogue scale, the Activity Assessment Scale, the Inguinal Pain Questionnaire, and a questionnaire about treatment satisfaction. Results: Of 118 contacted patients, 71 gave informed consent and were included in the study (60%), and of these the response rate was 100%. The questionnaires were filled out median 14 years after surgery. Most of the patients were pain-free in the operated groin (87%), and only a few had physical impairment caused by groin pain (20%). Prior to surgery, 79% had groin pain that they could not ignore. Overall, 90% of the patients were satisfied with the treatment. Conclusions: Most patients were pain-free and without physical impairment several years after groin hernia repair for a sports groin and with high satisfaction rate.

TidsskriftScandinavian Journal of Surgery
Udgave nummer1
Sider (fra-til)1-6
StatusUdgivet - 2022

Bibliografisk note

Publisher Copyright:
© The Finnish Surgical Society 2021.

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ID: 304879198