La balaustra della Chambre du Roi di Luigi XIV: L'architettura del bando

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The paper examines the French monarch's double nature in the 17th century in relation to the evolution of the sovereign's architectural expressions. Born from the superimposition of theological and political aspects, the double nature of the French king manifested in iconographic formulas, legal apparatuses, linguistic mechanisms, and architectural devices. Among the latter, Louis XIV's Chambre du Roi in Versailles and its gilded balustraded represented the threshold between the natural and the mystical bodies. The paper detects the activation of the ban - embedded in Louis XIV's balustrade - as a juridical and political device that governs and manifests the French king's sovereign power, and it reveals its doubling. © 2023 Authors. All rights reserved
Bidragets oversatte titelThe Balustrade of Louis XIV's Chambre du Roi: The Architecture of the Ban
StatusUdgivet - 2023

Bibliografisk note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2023 Authors. All rights reserved.


  • balustrade, ban, Louis XIV, sovereignty, Versailles

ID: 389672110