How far neuroscience is from understanding brains

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The cellular biology of brains is relatively well-understood, but neuroscientists have not yet generated a theory explaining how brains work. Explanations of how neurons collectively operate to produce what brains can do are tentative and incomplete. Without prior assumptions about the brain mechanisms, I attempt here to identify major obstacles to progress in neuroscientific understanding of brains and central nervous systems. Most of the obstacles to our understanding are conceptual. Neuroscience lacks concepts and models rooted in experimental results explaining how neurons interact at all scales. The cerebral cortex is thought to control awake activities, which contrasts with recent experimental results. There is ambiguity distinguishing task-related brain activities from spontaneous activities and organized intrinsic activities. Brains are regarded as driven by external and internal stimuli in contrast to their considerable autonomy. Experimental results are explained by sensory inputs, behavior, and psychological concepts. Time and space are regarded as mutually independent variables for spiking, post-synaptic events, and other measured variables, in contrast to experimental results. Dynamical systems theory and models describing evolution of variables with time as the independent variable are insufficient to account for central nervous system activities. Spatial dynamics may be a practical solution. The general hypothesis that measurements of changes in fundamental brain variables, action potentials, transmitter releases, post-synaptic transmembrane currents, etc., propagating in central nervous systems reveal how they work, carries no additional assumptions. Combinations of current techniques could reveal many aspects of spatial dynamics of spiking, post-synaptic processing, and plasticity in insects and rodents to start with. But problems defining baseline and reference conditions hinder interpretations of the results. Furthermore, the facts that pooling and averaging of data destroy their underlying dynamics imply that single-trial designs and statistics are necessary.
TidsskriftFrontiers in Systems Neuroscience
Antal sider21
StatusUdgivet - 2023

Bibliografisk note

Funding Information:
I am in debt to the participants in the How do brains work workshops: Adrienne Fairhall, Alain Destexhe, Alessandro Treves, Alexa Riehle, Bing Brunton, Bruce McNaughton, Carl Petersen, Daniel Durstewitz, David McCormick, Dora Angelaki, Dew Robson, Gaute Einevoll, Gustavo Deco, Gyørgy Buzsáki., Hajime Hirasi, Jennifer Li, Kenneth Harris, Maria Sanchez-Vives, Mark Humphries, Micha Tsodyks, Michael Brecht, Mikael Lundqvist, Nicolas Brunel, Peter Dayan, Richard Morris, Riitta Hari, Sara Solla, Sonja Grün, Sophie Denève, Tatiana Engel, Tatjana Tchumachenko, Tatyana Sharpee, Terrence Sejnowski, Thomas Mrsic-Flogel, Viktor Jirsa, Wulfram Gerstner, Xaq Pitkow, Yasser Roudi, Yiota Poirazi, and Zhaoping Li, who by their work, ideas, and discussions revealed landscapes of neuroscience frontiers forming the conceptual background for this study. Special thanks to Jens Midtgaard, Madelaine Bonfils, John Hertz, and Gilad Silberberg for critics of earlier versions of the manuscript and clarifying discussions.

Publisher Copyright:
Copyright © 2023 Roland.

ID: 371290427