Growing together, growing with difference: a metaphor for teaching in a multicultural world

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Today, teachers around the world remain caught in systems of education centered on drawing out the linguistic and socio-cultural gaps in the educational prospects of immigrant-origin children. This deficit-lens is, as we shall discuss in this article, both empirically and pedagogically mislead. Against educational systems intent on perpetuating a story of immigrant-origin children as linguistic, cultural, and economic problems to be dealt with, we aim instead to present a metaphor for teaching that rethinks and reframes their presence as powerful resources for all students alike. In the words of Ulrich Beck and Elisabeth Beck-Gernsheim, this metaphor assumes a stance of projective integration: What can our students only learn, think about, engage in, and discuss insofar as they, on the basis of difference, enter the classroom as a space to establish new, diverse, and politically open forms of connections?
Publikationsdato10 sep. 2018
UdgiverRe-imagining Migration
StatusUdgivet - 10 sep. 2018
Eksternt udgivetJa

ID: 372831859