Flow cytometric analysis of cerebrospinal fluid improves detection of leukaemic blasts in infants with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia

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  • Maria Thastrup
  • Marquart, Hanne Vibeke Hansen
  • Mette Levinsen
  • Signe Modvig
  • Jonas Abrahamsson
  • Birgitte Klug Albertsen
  • Britt Marie Frost
  • Arja Harila-Saari
  • Jouni Pesola
  • Aina Ulvmoen
  • Dorota Malgorzata Wojcik
  • Mervi Taskinen
  • Marianne Hoffmann
  • Birgitte Lausen
  • Schmiegelow, K.
  • on behalf of the Nordic Society of Paediatric Haematology, Oncology (NOPHO)

Infants with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) have a high frequency of central nervous system (CNS) involvement. Flow cytometric analysis of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) was recently demonstrated to be a sensitive method for detecting CNS involvement in childhood ALL. In the present study, CSF from 14 infants was collected at routine lumbar punctures and analysed by multicolour flow cytometry. At initial diagnosis, leukaemic blasts were detected in CSF by flow cytometry in 11 patients (78·6%) compared to seven patients (50%) by cytospin. Larger studies are needed to determine if CSF flow cytometry has prognostic value in infant ALL.

TidsskriftBritish Journal of Haematology
Udgave nummer1
Sider (fra-til)119-122
StatusUdgivet - 2021

Bibliografisk note

Funding Information:
We thank all Nordic paediatric oncology centres for providing clinical data and CSF samples for flow cytometric analysis. We are grateful to the staff at the Laboratory of Paediatric Oncology and the Department of Immunology, Rigshospitalet, for their help with sample analysis and data registration. The study was funded by the Danish Childhood Cancer Foundation, Nordic Cancer Union, Rigshospitalet, Swedish Childhood Cancer Foundation, Danish Cancer Research Foundation, Cancer Research Foundation of Elna and Jørgen Fagerholt Pedersen, Axel Muusfeldt’s Foundation, Anders Hasselbalch’s Fight Leukemia Foundation, Otto Christensen’s Foundation, Memorial Foundation of Merchant M. Brogaard and Wife, Research Foundation of Hasselbalch and Lykkegaard Andersen, Memorial Foundation of Eva and Henry Frænkel, Dagmar Marshall’s Foundation, King Christian the Tenth Foundation, Memorial Trust Foundation of Thora and Viggo Grove.

Publisher Copyright:
© 2021 British Society for Haematology and John Wiley & Sons Ltd

ID: 276854889